If you see dust clouds in the area of Leverich Place, rest assured it’s not a tornado! It’s the new firehouse under construction. There hasn’t been so much building activity at 1 Leverich Place since…well, since the headquarters was constructed in 1958! Thanks to the Huntington community’s positive vote on our bond issue, renovations and additions are underway…and they’re right on schedule.
In late August the shovels broke ground, and the new site preparation began. One key objective was to get all additions constructed and closed in before the winter weather arrives.
The foundations for the dispatcher’s area, shop and training facility were poured and back filled. Next came the masons, and the block and brick walls began to take shape. In fact, they may be complete by the time you read this publication. In the interior, electricians are busy running conduit throughout for all electrical upgrades, and soon a new generator will be installed.
All trades are up to schedule with their work.